Auswahlbibliografie: Edward SAID

Said, Edward W.: Out of place : a memoir. - London : Granta, 1999. - 15, 295 S.. - 1-86207-011-3. - : £25.00 : CIP entry (Sep.)

Said, Edward W.: Beginnings : intention and method / Edward W. Said. - 1. publ. in Great Britain. - London : Granta Books, 1997. - XXIII, 416 S.. - 1-86207-160-8

Said, Edward W.: Peace and its discontents Frieden in Nahost? : Essays über Israel und Palästina / Edward W. Said. Vorw. von Felicia Langer. Aus dem Amerikan. von Michael Schiffmann. - Heidelberg : Palmyra, 1997. - 272 S.. - 3-930378-15-9 brosch. : ca. DM 34.00, ca. sfr 33.00, ca. S 252.00

Said, Edward W.: Representations of the intellectual / Edward W. Said. - 1. Vintage Books ed.. - New York, NY : Vintage Books, 1996. - XIX, 121 S.. - 0-679-43586-7. - (The Reith lectures ; 1993)

Said, Edward W.: Representations of the intellectual Götter, die keine sind : der Ort des Intellektuellen / Edward W. Said. - Berlin : Berlin-Verl., 1997. - 149 S.. - 3-8270-0238-9

Said, Edward W.: The politics of dispossession : the struggle for Palestinian self-determination, 1969 - 1994 / Edward W. Said. - 1. ed.. - New York, NY : Pantheon Books, 1994. - XLVIII, 450 S.. - 0-679-43057-1

Said, Edward W.: Culture & imperialism / Edward W. Said. - London [u.a.] : Vintage, 1994. - XXXII, 444 S.. - 0-09-996750-2

Said, Edward W.: Culture and imperialism Kultur und Imperialismus : Einbildungskraft und Politik im Zeitalter der Macht / Edward W. Said. Aus d. Amerikan. von Hans-Horst Henschen. - Frankfurt am Main : Fischer, 1994. - 476 S.. - 3-10-071005-3

Said, Edward W.: The world, the text, and the critic / Edward W. Said. - London : Vintage, 1991. - VI, 327 S.. - 0-09-991620-7

Said, Edward W.: Orientalism / Edward W. Said. - London [u.a.] : Penguin Books, 1985. - XI, 368 S.. - 0-14-055198-0. - (Peregrine books)

Eagleton, Terry: Nationalism, colonialism, and literature / Terry Eagleton ; Fredric Jameson ; Edward W. Said. Introd. by Seamus Deane. - Minneapolis, Minn. : Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1990. - 102 S.. - 0-8166-1862-3. - (A Field Day Company book). - 0-8166-1863-1